
The creative blogger award

Meredith from shadow & Sugar nominated me for the creative blogger Award, which is another identify type of post going around, and I’m a lot more than delighted to accept!  Thank you Meredith, I’ve took pleasure in reading your blog and getting to know you better!

The policies of the award are:

Nominate 15-20 blogs and notify them by means of their social media/blogs

Thank and post the link of the person who nominated you

Share 5 facts about yourself to your readers

Pass on the rules

Fact 1.  I might be addicted to reddit.

Fact 2.  My much-loved candy currently is Hi-Chew, but they have to be the real Japanese version, not the ones made in Taiwan.  My much-loved flavour is grape, with green apple in close second.

Fact 3.  I’ve never broken a bone in my body even though by all accounts, I was a rough-and-tumble tomboy, and fairly clumsy too.

Fact 4.  I was once stranded overnight in an airport during a snowstorm, and had to sleep on the floor of the airport terminal.

Fact 5.  As a kid, I had an substantial sticker collection, and to this day I still have a portion of my collection stored away.  My much-loved was the scratch n’ sniff kind.

I nominate the following blogs for the creative blogger Award:

Stephanie Jayne Beauty

Mode Modality

Be Lively

Bonjour Brittany

Aliah’s makeup Press

Lippie Obsession

Perpetual Project



Beauty by Burdess

Sober Ramblings about Life and Makeup

Brought to you by, Hannah

So She Says

Ryane Zamora Beauty


Chat with Jack aka Mjacks1225

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