
Saturday Surfing, Feb. 19, 2022

delighted national Lash Day! Mascara and Kitties Tee. Hi, and delighted Caturday! Oh, and delighted national Lash Day too! Yes, we’re celebrating eyelashes now. My lashes are currently on the hunt for a new mascara, by the way. If you’re delighted with yours, please share because Laura Mercier Caviar just isn’t doing it for me anymore (the curl hold isn’t the same for whatever reason). REKLAMA Lately, I’ve been wearing a layer of Ilia Fullest Volumizing Mascara with a waterproof mascara on top, and while it does the job just fine, I’d like to have a one-and-done solution, so let...

Blogs that went dormant

I was feeling nostalgic and thinking about a lot of blogs that I utilized to checked out almost every day, that have gone totally dormant without any type of official goodbyes or closure.  You most likely understand about a few of these, however I believed I’d share them anyway. Karla Sugar Probably much better understood as the arm that introduced a thousand lemmings (I didn’t comprise that term, I checked out it on MakeupAlley), she was widely known for her swatches of entire collections, making her blog a one-stop shop. I truly liked that she would swatch colours side-by-side so it...

3 steps to a Sheer, Fresh Base (That looks Effortless)

Waiting on spring! It’s always kinda amusing to me when I view a tutorial for “skin that looks like skin,” or “effortless foundation,” and it involves, like, 12 steps to get there! Ja viem, ja viem! It comes with the territory of doing makeup. ale aj tak. ? REKLAMA Admittedly, I’m guilty of over-complicating makeup on occasion (*cough* sorry! *cough*), but in some cases I really do just want easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy, and this three-step process to a sheer, fresh base is exactly that. The goal here? A low-effort base that looks natural and polished, with a few areas of strategically placed...

Prehľad: Covergirl Lashblast Masccas

Vyskytujem sa všetky Covergirl's Lashblast Masccas v mojom sklze, takže som veril, že by som urobil prehľad, aby som ukázal rozdiely medzi nimi, rovnako ako moje preferencie. Z delegovaného práva, príkaz, v ktorom boli prepustené, ako aj ich tvrdenia, sú: \ t Objem (oranžová trubica) Jan 2008 "pre tučné, vysokoobjemové riasy" Luxe * (Deep Pink Tube) FEB 2009 "High-objemové riasy tónované shimmer" Dĺžka (žltá trubica) SEPT 2009 "robí riasy až 80% dlhšie hľadá bosné riasy" FUSION (Purple Tube) apr 2010 "Hlasitosť + dĺžka v jednom ťahu" 24 hodín (čierna trubica) Jan 2012 "Power Hodina po hodine. Bold, intenzívny zväzok "...

Saturday Surfing, Feb. 12, 2022!

Hello, Saturday! Happy Saturday, friend! sending you lots of loving, cheerful and gentle vibes today. OH, and sending a little bit of sweatiness, too! I just finished this fun workout for quads and core from Sydney, my favorite fitness friend (in my mind, I’m her workout bestie, LOL!). Not a ton of jumping in this workout, which my feet like. And, when I was done, my body had that fantastic loosey-goosey feeling. Super fun! REKLAMA I’m taking Connor on a playdate this morning. Then, when we get home, I’m going to clean out my closet in anticipation of purchasing some...

Nedeľa s kartami Mačka, Makeup, rovnako ako Charm Blog Mascot, Zv. 661

“The Caviar Caper: A Tabs the feline Adventure” © COPYRIGHT 2021 A authorities vehicle sped onto the circle, concerning a screeching halt behind the five others that had gathered around the scene of the alleged criminal offense on the circle. Tabs saw the markings on the side of the most recent vehicle to arrive. K-9 unit. “Mrow!” he yelled at Detective Kinard. get that vehicle outta here! Tabs as well as the detective stood a few feet from each other next to the appetizer bar in the center of a paved patio in the neighborhood typical area. "Mňau!" No dogs...

The creative blogger award

Meredith from shadow & Sugar nominated me for the creative blogger Award, which is another identify type of post going around, and I’m a lot more than delighted to accept!  Thank you Meredith, I’ve took pleasure in reading your blog and getting to know you better! The policies of the award are: Nominate 15-20 blogs and notify them by means of their social media/blogs Thank and post the link of the person who nominated you Share 5 facts about yourself to your readers Pass on the rules Fact 1.  I might be addicted to reddit. Fact 2.  My much-loved candy...

First makeup haul of 2016

Inquiring minds want to know! So right here it is: Sephora clearance section strikes! I went to Sephora last weekend as well as I got: Buxom look All You want set (reg $50 purchased for $37) I half blame Ingrid for this one. I’ve been curious about the Buxom private eye shadows as well as customizable palettes ever because they launched. She published a evaluation of this set, which she got as a gift as well as at very first she wasn’t as well keen on it, however she really ended up rather liking it! picture my surprise at seeing...

Piatok tvár dňa Two-tónové linky

potešenie piatok, priateľ! Aj keď som dnes nemal žiadne video stretnutia na prácu, maľoval som tvár tak ako tak! Snažil som sa urobiť oveľa viac vecí len pre mňa, že sa cítim dobre, a tento teplý, žiariaci pohľad s niekoľkými mac klasiks (drevárske očné tiene, spolu s medovou linkou, samozrejme), len to. Urobil pozerať na rovnaký tabuľkový list šesť hodín o niečo viac znesiteľné. Naozaj! REKLAMA Spásané očné linky je mestským rozpadom; Všetko ostatné je Mac Mimochodom, začal som robiť túto vec v poslednej dobe, kde nosím tmavšiu vložku na vodných linkách (v tomto prípade, Mac Teddy) s koordinačnou vložkou...

Moje osobné veci z roku 2015

Každý materský štát Nemajú veľa milovaného dieťaťa, ale sú to klamári! Tu sú moje osobné články z minulého roka: Nekonzistentné produkty Kde to bolo? Ako sa dezinfikovať make-up TBT: Wayback Machine Illamasqua lak na nechty mega post Ak máte nejaké osobné vchody z vášho vlastného blogu, cítite ich bezplatne zverejniť ich v komentároch! Zdieľajte to: zdieľam Kliknite, ak chcete e-mailom do kamaráta (otvorí sa v novom okne) Kliknutím zdieľate na Pinterest (otvorí sa v novom okne) Kliknutím zdieľate na Twitteri (otvorí sa v novom okne) Kliknutím zdieľate na TUMBLR (otvorí sa v novom okne) Kliknutím zdieľate na Reddit (otvorí sa...