How I fake a natural Sun-Kissed glow With makeup

Wanna know how I get this natural sun-kissed look? Wouldn’t it be great if we could somehow choose what we inherit from our parents? Like, for instance, I would’ve been very happy to get my dad’s olive complexion instead of his shortish muscular legs. REKLAMA BUT, oddly enough, I didn’t get a say in that, so I got my mom’s light complexion with an added Mediterranean twist that makes it pretty sallow and sickly. throw my permanent dark circles into the mix and you get the perfect base for a zombie look. PEKNÝ. Despite the fact that zombies are quite popular these...

Make-up, ako aj Charm Blog Monday Ankent, Vol. 434

You may be wondering, “So what in tarnation is this Monday Poll thing anyway!?” Well, it isn’t precisely a poll. Je to oveľa viac z neustále sa vyvíjajúcej (devolving?), Trochu náhodný zoznam obáv, ktoré som odviedol návštevníkom každý pondelok ráno za posledné deväť (!) Rokov. (Je to ako Kickstart pre váš mozog.) Vždy som potešený čítaním vašich odpovedí v komentároch, rovnako ako dúfam, že ste potešili v čítaní bane. What’s the coolest thing about your hometown? The diversity. Union City is a melting pot of different cultures, as well as I never realized just exactly how great it was up...