
You Can always play with the Unicorns

Connor is a busy, hectic bee! At some point within the last month, she went into the phase where she repeats every word she hears — from me, her dad, the TV, school. Sometimes, it’s endearing, like when she’s discovering new words as well as phrases. (Yesterday we were bird watching, as well as she said, extremely matter-of-factly, “Let’s compose down all the observations in a notebook.”) REKLAMA Other times, it’s full-on shocking. Čo si to povedal…? So…in the Trader Joe’s auto parking great deal last Sunday, which regrettably is one of the locations I GO HAM since some motorists...

Make-up a odvolanie blog pondelok anketa, zv. 597

You light up the world, my sweet friend! Takže ... Čo je to pondelok? Vynikajúca otázka! Nie je, na rozdiel od svojho mena, skutočný prieskum, ako s malými tlačidlami CLICKY. Je to len zoznam piatich oveľa viac či menej náhodných otázok, ktoré som na tomto blogu každých pondelok ráno za posledné kvadriliony (od roku 2007). Milujem čítanie vašich odpovedí, a to mi pomáha dostať môj týždeň na dobrý štart. 1. What was the first skincare product you ever gotten on your own? Hmm… It was a long time ago. I can’t remember precisely what it was, because when I got...