
Piatok tvár dňa Two-tónové linky

potešenie piatok, priateľ! Aj keď som dnes nemal žiadne video stretnutia na prácu, maľoval som tvár tak ako tak! Snažil som sa urobiť oveľa viac vecí len pre mňa, že sa cítim dobre, a tento teplý, žiariaci pohľad s niekoľkými mac klasiks (drevárske očné tiene, spolu s medovou linkou, samozrejme), len to. Urobil pozerať na rovnaký tabuľkový list šesť hodín o niečo viac znesiteľné. Naozaj! REKLAMA Spásané očné linky je mestským rozpadom; Všetko ostatné je Mac Mimochodom, začal som robiť túto vec v poslednej dobe, kde nosím tmavšiu vložku na vodných linkách (v tomto prípade, Mac Teddy) s koordinačnou vložkou...

Moje osobné veci z roku 2015

Každý materský štát Nemajú veľa milovaného dieťaťa, ale sú to klamári! Tu sú moje osobné články z minulého roka: Nekonzistentné produkty Kde to bolo? Ako sa dezinfikovať make-up TBT: Wayback Machine Illamasqua lak na nechty mega post Ak máte nejaké osobné vchody z vášho vlastného blogu, cítite ich bezplatne zverejniť ich v komentároch! Zdieľajte to: zdieľam Kliknite, ak chcete e-mailom do kamaráta (otvorí sa v novom okne) Kliknutím zdieľate na Pinterest (otvorí sa v novom okne) Kliknutím zdieľate na Twitteri (otvorí sa v novom okne) Kliknutím zdieľate na TUMBLR (otvorí sa v novom okne) Kliknutím zdieľate na Reddit (otvorí sa...

Prize: Rinse appeal Bar Manicure

I visited RINSE appeal Bar this past Wednesday for a Paradise Manicure, which was the prize I won from cat of MyLipstickAddition! I took the day off to meet up with a friend for lunch and made a decision to get some pampering too. It was quiet and kicking back considering that it was just Julie (the charming and friendly nail technician) and myself at the beauty parlor during my visit.  As cat pointed out on her post about her experience at RINSE, this beauty parlor features natural appeal products – even all of their nail polishes are 5-free, cruelty complimentary and vegan.  I really...

Get to understand me Tag, appeal blog writer edition

I was identified by the charming Ryane Zamora appeal to do this. bit did she understand that I secretly was going to do this identify even if nobody identified me (but now I look like I have friends, as well as I’m cool. Yeah.)  I’ve seen this identify called “Get to understand Me Tag” however Ryane called it the “Beauty blog writer Tag”, however I didn’t want to confuse it with the “Confessions of a appeal blog writer Tag“, so uh I’m just going to fit together the two titles. 1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight? My hair...

Blogmas Day 8: diy Stardust jewellery

Today’s Blogmas publish is a partnership topic – we’ll all be publishing diy projects.  My DIY will be a version of the Swarovski Stardust jewellery: You’ve most likely seen these being advertised by Miranda Kerr. They’re lovely however the retail cost for the Stardust pendant is $99 as well as the bracelet is $59 I’ll show you exactly how to make your own for a fraction of that price! Materials as well as tools: • nylon fit together tubing (I utilized the 4mm for the pendant as well as 9mm for the bracelet) • 3mm faceted glass beads (how lots of beads...